The sources of knowledge III - deduction and induction

8.4 Deduction and induction

Read again the sections entitled ‘Deduction’ and ‘Induction’ that appear on pp. 91–3 of Chapter 9 of Pritchard.

You might also want to listen again to Marianne Talbot’s podcast.

Individual activity: Deduction and induction

Explain what makes an argument a deductive argument, and what makes an argument an inductive argument.

With your descriptions in mind, have a go at the following exercise. Try to decide which of the following two arguments is a deductive argument and which is an inductive argument.

  1. John is happy.
    So, someone is happy.


  2. John looks happy.
    So, John is happy.


Make sure you understand the answers given.

You may find the following Internet resource of help in completing this activity: