Tutor information

Karina Jakubowicz

Karina Jakubowicz is a writer and academic who teaches at Florida State University on their London Campus. She also gives lectures for Literature Cambridge and teaches at their Virginia Woolf Summer School. Her PhD was on gardens in the work of Virginia Woolf, and a monograph based on this research is forthcoming with EUP in 2022. Her research deals with the themes of landscape, horticulture, and gardening in literature, but she has also worked on subjects as wide-ranging as supernatural literature, film adaptation, and religion and belief in the twentieth century. She has published widely on the work of several modernist authors including Katherine Mansfield, and recently co-edited a volume of essays on the theme of heresy, titled Heresy and Borders in the Twentieth Century (Routledge, 2021). She is also the host and producer of the Virginia Woolf Podcast, which is available at https://www.literaturecambridge.co.uk/podcasts.
