Ecological survey techniques student spotlights

Meet our students

Taught part-time over one year, this course is designed for a wide range of professionals needing to up-skill in: Environmental management; Environmental assessment; Biodiversity monitoring.

Many Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques students are consultants, environmental managers and educators as well as volunteers and those looking to make a career change that are seeking flexible study combined with expert training.

Find out more about what our students have to say using the links below:

Chinyere Ajebon

Chinyere Ajebon

Since completing the PGCert, Chinyere has translated the knowledge she gained into practical benefits for her organisation by conducting knowledge-sharing sessions, holding joint workshops and making recommendations for improvement.

Harriet Bennett

Harriet Bennett

Harriet was taking a break from her career when she enrolled on our part-time Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Surveying Techniques to help bring her back up to speed with the latest techniques in ecological surveying.

Dominic Barringer

Dominic Barringer

Online learning helped support Dominic's career move into environmental managament

Katie Breach

Katie Breach

A desire to develop her career as an Ecological Consultant led Katie Breach to success in the Postgraduate Certificate

Alison Copeland

Alison Copeland

Having completed a master's degree eleven years ago, Alison enrolled on our part-time Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques to gain the ‘hands-on’ skills she needed to pursue a PhD.

Wenna Grigg

Wenna Grigg

Wenna felt that her undergraduate degree hadn't fully equipped her with the practical skills she needed for a career in ecology, so enrolled on the PGCert in Ecological Survey Techniques.

Harry Jones

Harry Jones

Harry studied on our part-time PGCert in Ecological Survey Techniques from his home in Ireland, and found the course extremely beneficial to his career. He is now a Senior Environmental Consultant, specialising in biodiversity.

Emma Magee

Emma Magee

Emma gained the confidence to plan, interpret and manage ecological survey programmes after completing the Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques.

Edward Morrison

Edward Morrison

Transitioning from agribusiness to ecological consultancy, Edward used the Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques to bridge the gap in his knowledge. He is now working as an envrionmental consultant based in East Africa.

Kennis Ng

Kennis Ng

Kennis Ng, a professional aborist, developed her surveying skills with the PGCert in Ecological Survey Techniques.

Karolina Petrovic

Karolina Petrovic

After her PhD, Karolina boosted her practical skills, know-how & employability prospects with the PGCert in Ecological Survey Techniques.

Louisa Reeve

Louisa Reeve

Following a change of career from the Great Britain Rowing Team to an ecology traineeship, Louisa found the part-time Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques perfect for studying alongside work.

Nigel Robins

Nigel Robins

After completing the Postgraduate Certificate in Ecological Survey Techniques, Nigel applied the skills he gained to professional projects.

Roger Tang

Roger Tang

Roger was working as a Sustainability Analyst and wanted to pursue a PhD but felt he needed to improve in aspects of data collection first.

Sarah Ward

Sarah Ward

Before undertaking the PGCert in Ecological Surveying Techniques, Sarah spent 8 years as a data analyst. Motivated by a long-standing interest in ecology, Sarah chose the PGCert to gain relevant experience and transition into an ecological career.