Postgraduate certificates

Oxford's Department for Continuing Education offers part-time postgraduate certificates in the following disciplines:

What is a PG Cert?

Postgraduate certificates (PG Cert) are taught at the same level as master's degrees, but they are shorter in length. They are ideal for those who wish to advance their knowledge and career prospects but are unable in undertaking significant amounts of academic research. 

Our postgraduate certificates often attract professionals who wish to advance in their career, and as they are part-time many are able to continue to work full time. They provide an accessible option for students and professionals who wish to build upon previous knowledge and develop new skills. 

Studying a certificate takes less time than a part-time master's and can also be more affordable.

Upon successful completion of a postgraduate certificate, some students have gone on to study a postgraduate diploma or further graduate study at a master's or doctoral level at Oxford and elsewhere.

Level and demands

As these are postgraduate courses, you are normally expected to have a good first degree, although in exceptional cases candidates may be admitted on the basis of relevant professional experience.

We also offer postgraduate diplomasmaster's degrees (MSt and MSc) and DPhil programmes.