Digital Literacy and Digital Well-Being


Digital literacy and digital well-being are two important aspects of our lives in the modern world.

Digital literacy is the ability to use digital technologies effectively and responsibly. Digital well-being is the practice of using technology in a way that enhances our lives rather than detracts from them. It's about finding balance and moderation in our use of technology, and being mindful of how it affects our mental, emotional and physical health. There are many different aspects to digital well-being, but some key components include being able to set boundaries around our use of technology, such as limiting screen time or not using devices in bed, being aware of how technology affects our emotions, and taking steps to manage any negative effects, taking breaks from technology to connect with the world around us, both online and offline, and using technology in a way that is supportive of our personal and professional goals.

In this session, we will discuss the importance of digital well-being and how to achieve it. It is for anyone who wants to learn more about digital well-being and how to improve their own digital habits. It is also for those who are concerned about the negative impacts of technology on their lives or the lives of their loved ones. 

Please note: this event will close to enrolments at 23:59 BST on 12 May 2024.

Programme details

All times UK times, BST (UTC+1)

Digital Literacy and Digital Well-Being


Digital Literacy and Digital Well-Being

End of event


Description Costs
Course Fee £55.00


If you are in receipt of a UK state benefit or are a full-time student in the UK you may be eligible for a reduction of 50% of tuition fees.

Concessionary fees for short courses


Shaun Wilden

Shaun is an education technologist who teaches and trains both face-to-face and online courses.

In the Department for Continuing Education he teaches digital literacy as well as short courses in mobile learning and teaching online. His latest book, Mobile Learning, was published by Oxford University Press.

He is the academic director for online courses for the International House World Organisation overseeing their suite of asynchronous teacher development courses and is a consultant to a number of educational organisations to assist them in their synchronous and asynchronous course provision.

His current area of interest and research is learner expectations in peer-to-peer social presence within asynchronous courses.


Please use the 'Book' button on this page. Alternatively, please contact us to obtain an application form. 

IT requirements

The University of Oxford uses Microsoft Teams for our learning environment, where students and tutors will discuss and interact in real time. Joining instructions will be sent out prior to the start date. We recommend that you join the session at least 10-15 minutes prior to the start time – just as you might arrive a bit early at our lecture theatre for an in-person event.

If you have not used the Microsoft Teams app before, once you click the joining link you will be invited to download it (this is free). Once you have downloaded the app, please test before the start of your course. If you are using a laptop or desktop computer, you will also be offered the option of connecting using a web browser. If you connect via a web browser, Chrome is recommended.

Please note that this course will not be recorded.