Andrea Leinberger-Jabari
DPhil in Evidence-Based Health Care
Culturally tailored tobacco use harm reduction and cessation: defining elements for an evidence-based intervention for Arab populations using a mixed methods approach
Research abstract
Smoking is a leading cause of death worldwide, and while smoking rates are declining in Western countries, this is not the case elsewhere. Smoking cessation interventions designed and implemented in Western populations are not as successful outside of that context and so tailoring interventions to fit a different cultural context may improve acceptance and effectiveness of these programs. Strategies to culturally tailor smoking cessation interventions are varied and there is a lack of evidence for what works in Arab populations.
I propose to examine the role of cultural tailoring in smoking cessation and identify elements that can be used to develop an evidence-based culturally tailored intervention for tobacco harm reduction in an Arab population. The research consists of a systematic review examining effectiveness of culturally tailored smoking reduction and cessation interventions, analysis of data on tobacco use patterns in adults residing in the United Arab Emirates, interviews with health care providers and smokers to understand social and cultural factors that influence cessation and the development of a feasibility smoking cessation trial.
Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
Nicola Lindson, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
Rachna Begh, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
Andrea began her DPhil in Evidence-Based Health Care in 2021. In her role at the PHRC, she manages tobacco use research projects for the UAE Healthy Future Study, a longitudinal cohort study aimed at understanding the causes of diabetes, heart disease and obesity in Emiratis.
Prior to joining NYU Abu Dhabi, she held positions at The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute at the University of Minnesota, where she has been responsible for various community engaged research activities. Andrea holds an MPH from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and a BA in Anthropology from Arizona State University.
Leinberger-Jabari A, Walwyn-Pollard O, Subramanian M, Garbarino J, Ali R, Sherman S. Characterization of dokha tobacco species and microbial communities using DNA barcoding. Preprint 2022 DOI: 10.21203/
Leinberger-Jabari A, Golob M, Begh R, Lindson N, Hartmann-Boyce J. Does culturally tailoring a smoking cessation intervention help more people to quit or reduce their smoking? A systematic review BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2022;27:A9. DOI:
Taylor GMJ, Lindson N, Farley A, Leinberger-Jabari A, Sawyer K, te Water Naudé R, Theodoulou A, King N, Burke C, Aveyard P. Smoking cessation for improving mental health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD013522. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013522.pub2
Leinberger-Jabari A, Al-Ajlouni Y, Ieriti M, Cannie S, Mladenovic M, Ali R. (2021). Assessing motivators and barriers to active healthy living among a multicultural college student body: A qualitative inquiry. Journal of American College Health (In press)
Vasquez K., Chatterjee S., Khalida C., Moftah D., D’Orazio B., Leinberger-Jabari A., Tobin J., Kost, R. (2020). Using Attendance Data for Social Network Analysis of a Community-Engaged Research Partnership. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 1-50.
Sherman S., El-Shahawy O., Leinberger-Jabari A., Shearston J., Weitzman M. (2019) Smoking Dokha Tobacco Through a Midwakh Pipe: An Alternative Tobacco Product Endemic to the Arabian/Persian Gulf. In: Laher I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham.
Elobaid YE, Leinberger-Jabari A., Al Hamiz A, et al (2019). Stages of change, smoking behavior and acceptability of a textmessaging intervention for tobacco cessation among cigarette, dokha and shisha smokers: A qualitative research study. BMJ Open 9:e029144. https://doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029144
Al-Houqani, M., Leinberger-Jabari, A., Al Naeemi, A., Al Junaibi, A., Al Zaabi, E., Oumeziane, N., et al. (2018). Patterns of tobacco use in the United Arab Emirates Healthy Future (UAEHFS) pilot study. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0198119.
Research interests
Tobacco use behaviors, community-engaged research, culture and health, quantitative methods, qualitative methods