Funding award, Insect Taxonomy and Field Sampling Skills

The Department, in collaboration with the University of Oxford’s Museum of Natural History, has awarded funding from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to deliver an advanced training programme in the environmental sciences. This award follows the success of NERC-funded workshops in previous years.

This year's award of £39,574 will be used to provide participants with both the knowledge and skills to carry out accurate taxonomic data collection and analysis through a 5-day residential training course called ‘Insect Taxonomy and Field Sampling Skills’.

NERC seeks to help fund and develop advanced training workshops that enable research scientists, doctoral students, graduates and professionals in the environmental sciences to attend at no cost. The funding in this instance also covers accommodation, facilities hire, travel arrangements and course materials for the duration of each workshop. 

Priority for grants is given to NERC-funded doctoral students before being opened up to early career researchers and other professionals who apply for the course. 

The course will run over 5 days from Monday 6th March to Friday 10th March 2017. 



Published 7 June 2016