Funding award to address critical skills gap in the environmental sciences
The Department has once again been awarded funding by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to deliver and build upon training in the environmental sciences and management, following the success of last year's NERC-funded workshops.
This year's award of £108,000 will be used to develop training workshops that will enable research scientists, doctoral students, graduates and professionals from across the country in the environmental sciences and management to attend at no cost. The funding also covers accommodation and course materials for the duration of each workshop. The courses will be offered in early 2015.
Each workshop will focus on priority training areas identified by NERC. This year's training will building upon last year's success with Introduction Multivariate Ecological Statistics and Insect Taxonomy and Field Sampling Freshwater Ecology together with two new workshops, Introduction to Data Visualisation and Field Techniques for Surveying Freshwater Marcoorganisms and their Habitats.
Last year's workshops received outstanding student feedback praising the excellent standard of teaching.
For more information please visit, contact us on +44 (0)1865 268952 and, and follow us on Twitter @ox_environment to stay up to date.
Published 21 July 2014