Dr Sepideh Chakaveh
Profile details
Departmental Lecturer in Data Science
Course Director of the Undergraduate Advanced Diploma in IT Systems Analysis and Design
Dr Sepideh (Sepi) Chakaveh has a BSc in Electronic Engineering and a PhD in Experimental Astrophysics and Space Sciences from the University of Kent.
She has extensive experience as a Senior Scientist/Academic working both in the UK and Germany, including Imperial College London, Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, University of Göttingen, Fraunhofer Society and the University of Southampton where she was the co-founder and the former Director of Southampton Data Science Academy, the first UK online data science academy. She has recently received the Research Common Room Membership at Wolfson College.
Research Interests
Sepi’s research focus is to design and engineer end-to-end, holistic data and AI-driven applications which solve real-life problems. In this context, she has developed many AI-based applications - for one of which she has won the Everywoman Innovator Award 2020 and ConnectTVT Technology Game Changer 2021.
N. Hakami, S. White and S. Chakaveh (2017) Motivational factors that influence the use of MOOCs: learners’ perspectives a systematic literature review. Computer Supported Education
Alsaedi, A. Alroobaea and S.Chakaveh (2017) Twitter-based reporting system for public infrastructure in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Technology Research, ISSN Online: 1941-3416, Print: 2327-5359
S. Chakaveh (2019), OXBRIDGE Women in Computer Science Conference – The Role of Data in Artificial Intelligence Engineering
S. Chakaveh (2020), Keynote Speaker Stanford Women in Data Science Virtual Conference - Application of Data Science in Computational Cognitive Systems
S. Chakaveh (2021), Panel Member German UNESCO Commission, together with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, is organising an online discussion on the future of A