Tutor information

Noureddin Sadawi

Dr Noureddin Sadawi specialises in machine/deep learning and data science. He has several years’ experience in various areas involving data manipulation and analysis. He received his PhD from the University of Birmingham. He is the winner of two international scientific software development contests - at TREC2011 and CLEF2012.

Noureddin is an avid scientific software researcher and developer with a passion for learning and teaching new technologies. He is an experienced scientific software developer and data analyst. Over the last few years, he has been using R and Python as his preferred programming languages.

He has also been involved in several projects spanning a variety of fields such as bioinformatics, textual/image/video data analysis, drug discovery, omics data analysis and computer network security. He has taught at multiple universities in the UK and has worked as a software engineer in different roles. Currently he holds the following part-time roles: senior content developer and lecturer at the University of London; international trainer with O'Reilly and Pearson; short course trainer and instructor at Goldsmiths University, London as well as a lecturer at the University of Oxford. He is the founder of SoftLight LTD, a London-based company that specialises in data science and machine/deep learning where he works as a consultant providing advice and expertise in these areas. Currently he is a member of the organising committee of this international conference: https://ilcict.ly/. A list of his publications can be found here.
