Tutor information

Chris Newman

Dr. Chris Newman is a Zoology Research Fellow with Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit. His work is highly inter-disciplinary, drawing together insights from population dynamics, animal behaviour, physiology, genetics and parasitology to better understand wildlife biology. His specialist interest is in the effects of weather conditions and climate change on ecological responses, and he has caught around 10,000 badgers as part of his long-term population studies in Wytham Woods, Oxford. Chris also serves as the Mammals Officer on the Zoology Department’s Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Board. He collaborates extensively with other researchers internationally, particularly in Asia, and is an author of over 100 peer reviewed papers and book chapters. As a former Earthwatch Principal Investigator, he is an advocate of public and corporate participation in conservation initiatives. Outside of academia he manages 350 acres of Forest Stewardship Council woodland in Nova Scotia, Canada, including 16 acres growing Haskap berries.
