Tutor information

Lee Hill

SILENT Solutions LLC & GmbH, USA & Germany

Lee Hill is Founding Partner of  SILENT, an independent EMC and RF design firm established in 1992 that specializes in EMC and RF design, troubleshooting, and training. 

Lee received his MSEE from the Missouri University of Science & Technology EMC Laboratory, emclab.mst.edu.

He teaches a graduate course in EMC as a member of adjunct faculty at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), and is also an EMC course instructor for Texas Instruments, the University of Oxford (England) and the IEEE EMC Society’s Global University, which he currently chairs. He is a past EMC instructor for UC Berkeley, Agilent, and Hewlett Packard.

With over 30 years of EMC design and troubleshooting experience, Lee consults and teaches world-wide, and has presented courses in Taiwan, China, Poland, Singapore, Mexico, Norway, Canada, South Korea, France, Germany and United Kingdom. 

Lee is a past member of the IEEE EMC Society's Board of Directors (2004-2007).
