Modules and short courses in Evidence-Based Health Care

Professional training

Any of our programme modules can be taken as stand-alone short courses for professional development, with the choice of studying for academic credit. Our short courses are also a perfect way to get a taste of the award programmes we offer.

> View all short courses and modules

Why study with us

Our modules and short courses are taught by leading researchers and educators in the field of evidence-based health care. 

The majority of modules are run over either an eight, or fifteen-week learning cycle.  Most modules are either delivered fully online or in a blended format, however, some modules are only delivered with a blended format that includes a 5-day attendance in Oxford, and some are only run entirely online.  In any given year, not all delivery formats for a module may be available.

Classes are typically international and students are encouraged to reflect on differences in professional practices. Students also interact before and after the residential week through discussion forums and online activities. Students also have access to our online library of resources.

Modules and short courses can be taken:

  • Independently for professional training (alongside MSc, Diploma and Certificate students)
  • For academic credit, transferrable to other institutions (CATS points)
  • As a 'taster' for the Master's degree (and may count towards it if you enrol in the future)

Check the specific course pages for which modules are included in each award programme.

Blended format

An initial period of self-directed study is spent on introductory activities using a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This is followed by a week spent in Oxford for supported face-to-face teaching, and then a further period of Post-Oxford activities (a mixture of self-directed and supported distance learning also delivered through the VLE). The final week of each module is for self-directed personal study, shortly followed by the assignment submission.  

Fully online format

These are delivered entirely through a Virtual Learning Environment with the first week allocated to self-directed introductory activities. There is then either:

- a number of units to work through which are released week by week. Each unit includes a mixture of supported and self-directed learning with discussion forums, tasks and activities. Students then have five weeks of self-directed personal study with use of a revision forum and the requirement to submit an assignment electronically the following week.  Courses usually run over a 15-week period.


- an intensive week of 5 consecutive days of synchronous and asynchronous teaching sessions, and then a further period of activities (A mixture of self-directed and supported distance learning also delivered through the VLE). The final week of each module is for self-directed personal study, shortly followed by the assignment submission. Courses usually run over an 8-week period.

View each module page to see which format the course is offered in.

Upcoming courses

Short intensive • Professional development
  • Mon 16 Sep 2024 – 20 Sep 2024
Online - flexible • Professional development
  • Mon 07 Oct 2024 – 29 Nov 2024
Online - flexible • Professional development
  • Mon 14 Oct 2024 – 06 Dec 2024
Short intensive • Professional development
  • Mon 04 Nov 2024 – 08 Nov 2024
Short intensive • Professional development
  • Mon 04 Nov 2024 – 08 Nov 2024