Course starts: 30 Sept 2024
The weekly course schedule below is intended to give an overview of the main topic(s) likely to be covered in each session. Please note that these may sometimes change at the tutor’s discretion to reflect the interests of course participants.
Week 1: Introductions. Saying who we are and what we do. Talking about our language learning experiences. Discussing our hobbies and tastes.
Week 2: Establishing chronologies and composing short biographies.
Week 3: Suggesting an outing and discussing cultural activities. Accepting or refusing social invitations.
Week 4: Recounting memories. Narrating past routines and experiences.
Week 5: Talking about holiday experiences. Describing the landscape and the weather.
Week 6: Choosing and describing different types of accommodation. Talking about interiors.
Week 7: Comparing lifestyles, places and living conditions. Describing one's neighbourhood.
Week 8: Physical descriptions
Week 9: Talking about character and personality traits.
Week 10: Discovering and discussing past and present French and Francophone figures.
Key grammar points:
- Perfect tense + agreement
- Time structures depuis, il y a, pendant
- Imperfect tense
- Relative pronouns qui, que, où
- Comparatives
- Complex negative forms
Key functions:
- Narrating past events and experiences
- Using key phrases to suggest an outing, accept or refuse an invitation
- Describing and comparing locations
- Presenting one's accommodation
- Describing people physically and talking about their character