Japanese: Lower Intermediate - Consolidation


This 10-week consolidation course is based on the syllabus of the previous two terms (most recently Japanese: Lower Intermediate - Part 2 ) and is primarily tailored to meet the needs of students who completed the weekly class, but new students who are at the appropriate level of proficiency are also welcome. Students who missed some classes during the first two terms and wish to catch up for the next level up in the next academic year are encouraged to join.

The class activities will focus on listening, speaking and cultural awareness; and students will be encouraged to practise reading and writing skills in their own time. There will be plenty of opportunities to interact in the target language through class activities, discussions, and role-plays

Programme details

Course begins: 24 April 2025

Week 1: Initiating and maintaining a simple conversation

Week 2: Expressing feelings and explaining reasons

Week 3: Current affairs: reading and discussing simple newspaper articles

Week 4: Japanese and Western cultures: compare and contrast

Week 5: Enquiring about/providing/discussing information

Week 6: Tell your experiences in Tokyo and Osaka

Week 7: New technologies: viewpoints

Week 8: Informal talk (casual style Japanese grammar)

Week 9: Explaining ideas logically and objectively

Week 10: Class choice: revision, karaoke, language game, etc.


Students who attend a minimum of 70% of classes will receive a Certificate of Attendance.


Description Costs
Course Fee £275.00


If you are in receipt of a UK state benefit, you are a full-time student in the UK or a student on a low income, you may be eligible for a reduction of 50% of tuition fees. Please see the below link for full details:

Concessionary fees for short courses


Ms Rie Wakayama

An Oxford local, Rie is a qualified and very experienced Japanese language teacher. She has taught Japanese to adults for many years and also GCSE and A-Level syllabuses to children at local private schools. In her spare time, Rie loves Japanese cooking.

Course aims

  • consolidate what has been learnt throughout the first two terms, and
  • revise more challenging aspects of the language that are appropriate for the level

Course Objectives:

  • To enable students to communicate in Japanese in simple routine tasks and on familiar topics and activities
  • To equip students with the vocabulary and grammar structures to write short simple personal letters and messages
  • To develop the reading comprehension skills for finding simple information in everyday material such as advertisements and menus
  • To help develop an insight into the culture and daily life of the Japanese-speaking countries

Teaching methods

You will learn through a communicative teaching approach with the emphasis on actively engaging in classroom activities in the target language. These are likely to include role-plays, pair- and small group-work, and conversational practice conducted in a supportive, friendly and informal learning environment.

The course has been structured to help you primarily to develop your speaking and listening skills and to gradually gain an insight into the culture and daily life of your target language. You will also learn and practise new grammatical structures in a communicative context and will be encouraged to develop your reading and writing skills in your own time.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • interact in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities.
  • initiate, maintain and close a social exchange/conversation on everyday topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  • deliver a simple prepared presentation using an adequate range of vocabulary items for establishing social contact and presenting themselves.
  • express themselves with improved fluency and accuracy.

Assessment methods

You will be set short, optional assignments to consolidate your learning and to allow you to progress at your own pace.


Please use the 'Book' or 'Apply' button on this page. Alternatively, please complete an application form.

Level and demands