Course begins: 24 April 2025
The weekly course schedule below is intended to give an overview of the main topic(s) likely to be covered in each session. Please note that these may sometimes change, at the tutor’s discretion, to reflect the interests of course participants.
Week 1: Vou viajar! Preparing a trip: booking hotels and services.
Making phone-calls, writing emails. Filling in forms. Dates and timetables. Ser vs.
Estar; “Ir + Infinitivo”; Present vs. Preterite as Conditional (for polite requests).
Week 2: Estou a chegar! On the plane; at the airport; in the taxi; on the underground.
Checking timetables and destinations. Checking seats.
Asking for tickets. The time; numbers.
Week 3: Desculpe...? At the hotel; at tourist information; at the underground station.
Asking for information and directions. Buying tickets.
Prepositions and prepositional phrases of place.
Week 4: Olá! Boa tarde, muito prazer! Meeting family, friends and/or work colleagues.
Formal and informal greetings. Addressing and introducing each other. Scheduling
meetings. Talking about routines and present activities. Routines and hobbies.
Verbs in the Simple Present vs. “Estar a + Infinitive”.
Week 5: Silêncio, que se vai... apresentar! Students’ (voluntary) presentations (1).
Discussing cultural topics relevant to the Portuguese speaking countries and communities, based on students’ choices.
Week 6: Silêncio que se vai... apresentar! Students’ (voluntary) presentations (2).
Discussing cultural topics relevant to the Portuguese speaking countries and communities, based on students’ choices.
Week 7: Almoçamos? Lunch at work. Dinner with friends and family.
Inviting colleagues, friends and family. Ordering meals at the restaurant. Discussing and sharing recipes. Modal/ising verbs + Infinitive.
Week 8: Revisões. Revisions.
Week 9: Vamos às compras? Shopping.
Asking for help in shops and services. Making requests.
Expressing preferences, likes and dislikes. Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives.
Week 10: Um piquenique de despedida. A farewell picnic. Linguistic and cultural games.
Background Reading
Coursebooks are advised, but not compulsory for this term. Supplementary course material will be provided by the course tutor.)