Questions about the nature of truth are often puzzling because, on the one hand, we expect to get a definitive answer of the kind, ‘truth is x’. On the other hand, despite hundreds of years of looking, no perfect answer has ever been found. Philosophers have committed to answers such as truth is ‘correspondence with the facts’, ‘system coherence’, ‘practical utility’, or simply ‘general consensus’.
Only, all such definitions turned out to be defective in one way or another. Should we make do with a deflated or minimalist notion of truth, or opt for truth pluralism or even outright relativism about truth? More relevantly, can we salvage truth in an era of technical innovation and global connectivity as it too easily becomes the breeding ground of disinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories? This course will shine a light on truth and post-truth by studying the philosophical angles already taken and any new avenues that offer themselves.